Easy Brazilian Recipes
1 lb Dry Black beans, soaked 5 cloves Garlic 1 Onion, medium 4 ounces Fresh Cilantro 4-5 cups Chicken or Beef broth 1 Bay leaf 2 teaspoons Salt 1 teaspoon Ground Black Pepper 12-16 ounces Pork Sausage - Kielbasa 2-3 links Chorizo or Andouille 12-16 ounces Cubed Beef Sirloin, chuck, or other stew meat 2 Cups Long grain white rice
Put the garlic, onion and cilantro with 1-2 tablespoons water in a food processor and purée it until all minced.
Slice the sausages. Cut the sirloin into cubes. Into a hot pan, add the sliced sausage to sear and start to render the fat. Transfer to the slow cooker. Add the beef to the pan and sear. Add a cup of water and scrape up the brown bits from the bottom. Then pour the beef and the liquid into the slow cooker.
To the slow cooker with the meat, add the onion-garlic-cilantro mixture, the drained black beans, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Pour in enough broth to cover the beans, about 4-5 cups. Cook for 6-8 hours.