Feijoada for Brazilian Festa Junina!


Brazil Festa Juninas are traditional street fairs, school parties, and more where people come to eat, dance, and have fun!

Feijoada is a very traditional dish served. This is the ultimate pork and beans and rice recipe!  With pork sausage, beef, and more. 


~ Dry Black beans, soaked ~ Garlic ~ Onion, medium ~ Fresh Cilantro ~ Chicken or Beef broth ~ Bay leaf ~ Salt & Ground Black Pepper ~ Pork Sausage - Kielbasa ~ Chorizo or Andouille ~ Cubed Sirloin, chuck ~ Long grain white rice


Puree garlic, onion and cilantro in food processor

Cut and brown  Sausage & Beef, then add to the slow cooker



To the slow cooker:  onion-garlic-cilantro mixture,  drained black beans, bay leaf, salt, pepper, broth. Cook for 6-8 hours.

Serve & Enjoy!